Virtual Receptionists Answer Phones

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314-865-6000 or 877-267-3774

24 Hour Medical Exchange

Professional Excellence For Medical Professionals

24 hour medical exchange
Medical Telephone Answer | Emergency Dispatch

Your Calls Are Professionially Answered Per Your Specific Directions Day and Night. With Your On-Call Schedules and call handling directions in our operator computers, your calls are quickly & professionally completed.

Telephone Answering Service  | Our Medical Exchange Phone Number is Available to Callers. The Doctor’s Private Medical Exchange Number is for your use.
We are specialists in medical telephone answer for healthcare providers.  Emergency Physician Exchange – Doctor’s Exchange ~ Dental Exchange | Dental Call Answering Service | Healthcare Answering Service | Telephone Answering for Healthcare  Professionals |

 We have 100+  Years of 24 Hour Medical  Answering Phone Call Answer and Dispatch Services. Experienced professional live operators serving healthcare answering service clients! Established in 1921 Taking and dispatching messages securely. Completing live call transfers. We are a Doctor’s Exchange. We answer for healthcare professionals.  We are specialists, and experts at telephone for healthcare providers. It’s 365 days a year, 24 hours a day for us. Call in on our private Physician Exchange number.

We been answering, taking messages and dispatching since 1910.  This medical exchange has been family owned from the start.  We are the third family to own this Doctor’s Exchange. When we started answering as operators, everything was paper-based! 

We had a wooden wheel that spun, with each doctor having their own cubby hole.  When we took a message, it was hand written.  It was put in “your” cubby slot.  When a doctor called in for her/his messages, the wheel was spun to get to those calls.  The calls were read to the doctor and marked with time, date and details of the dispatch. (All done by hand!)

Good memories from years gone by! St. Louis, MO doctors, do you remember and are still part of the 771 exhange? That’s us! And we bought the Jefferson Exchange years ago (the Medical Society exchange on Lindell) We are still here!  Thank you for the many  years we have had the privilege of serving you!  Our best to you and all of our doctors, healthcare professions and clients.

We are still proud to serve St. Louis, Missouri and the surrounding St. Louis Metropolitan areas.  We also answer NATIONWIDE now too and provide the same expertise and professional services as always! You can call us now: 877-267-3774  

Schedule a call back when it is a good time to talk.  We will call you at the time you request.  


1-800 Answering Service For Healthcare Providers

24 Hour medical exchange

Telephone Answering Service for Medical Physicians, Doctors, Dentists, Groups, Practices, And Healthcare Community
We quickly answer and dispatch your calls just the way you need your medical exchange answering service.
Your messages will have the information you request ~ Hipaa compliant medical answering service.

Messages are delivered when and how you specify | Multiple options are available to deliver your calls.

Text or Call Us  at 877-267-3774  or 314-865-6000

Toll Free Numbers |Secure-Messaging

And Patching Available for (Live Call Transfer)
Assisted Living

Dentists/DDS After Hours  Answering Service Dentist

Home Care Answering Service
Hospice Answering Services
Chiropractors Answering Service

phone answering services for small businesses
Customized For You

Secure Messaging

HIPAA compliant secure messaging is available to communicate sensitive data delivery. Options are available as we are able to integrate with several secure messaging providers to deliver messages encrypted and safely. For more information on our commitment to HIPAA compliance secure messaging, we’d be happy to talk with you more today..

Live Transfer Calls

Directly connect your callers to you or your staff live anywhere when and where you prefer. Work remotely without missing calls. No receptionist or phone system necessary to route live calls


Medical Answering

Working closely with healthcare professionals and practice managers, out staff takes care to answer all your calls specifically to your requirements. You tell us how to handle calls and time of day to deliver calls promptly. Have an On Call Schedule? Provide us with a copy and calls will be routed to the covering provider properly. We design our protocols around your preferences to customize and handle your calls with care and compassion.​

Additional Options available

Appointment Scheduling

We are available around the clock. 24/7 to schedule patient appointments.

Web Portal Access

View and Pay your bill online. with your web portal login

Appointment Scheduling

Calendar Management

Appointment Reminders

We send appointment reminders

Professional Support
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